This is a common question we get asked quite a bit… what content closes sales? Then the follow up question… is there a form of curated content that closes sales? In this brief evergreen interview below Brian Kardon provides a really good starting point.First let’s cover the highlights of what he said: Match up content… Read more »
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B2B RoundUp - Being Objective, Tips on Design and Conversion, and B2B Mobile
First up this week is a really good post on why it’s important as a B2B marketer to remain objective. We no longer live in an age where we can control the message (it’s debatable if we ever really did). In today’s media landscape you have to be seen both as objective and on the… Read more »
Why Automated Curation Never Works
This is a big topic around here. I’ve seen many automated content curation tools popup now and then. Most of these are targeted to the IM crowd and promise big things. You also have other tools like that claim content curation but are just veiled attempts at aggregation. Our philosophy is different than many… Read more »
5 Common Content Curation Mistakes
What do they say? You learn more from your mistakes than you failures. Not sure who they are but they must know what they are talking about. When I came across this post recently this quite came to mind. So first let’s cover what the mistakes are then we’ll break down each one with our own… Read more »
Is Curation the Easy Way Out for Content Marketing?
One of the biggest benefits touted with content curation is it’s faster, quicker, and easier than creating content from scratch. Is that really the case? I came across a post from Averetek that discusses this briefly and provides the best summation on how to start thinking about the content you create (or curate): So here’s… Read more »
Is Content Curation and Context Really Driving Consumers to Social Media?
I recently saw thought provoking post by Chad Pollitt regarding how content curation really is delivering context to the consumer, here’s some relevant elements from that piece: One compelling force driving consumers to social media platforms — whether they know it or not — is that there’s too much content on the Internet. This is why… Read more »
3 Scenarios To Scale Your Content Marketing
One thing you’ll start to notice as you embark on content marketing is that much of it’s success depends on your reach and how much content you can produce. Content marketing is one of those things that once you get into a rhythm it will really start to click but eventually you will hit a plateau. Once… Read more »
B2B Weekly RoundUp - Experiental Marketing, Mistakes, and Conversion Optimization
Traditionally industrial equipment shows are characterized by the loud background clanging and clanking of machines ‘doing their thing.’ Manufacturers assume that B2B buyers want to see the machines in action - after all, what they are buying is a machine, right? Certainly there are more servo based machines with less mechanical function - but many… Read more »
Feature Update Sneak Peak - Curation Image Thumbnails, Uploads, Image Credit Module…
Things are moving a quick pace here at Curation Suite™ and in this post we’ll share a few new features you’ll be using in the next release. At a high level here’s what’s in this updated release: Curation Thumbnails - now you can choose a thumbnail of the exact content your curating Image Credit Module… Read more »
Live Curating a Long Form Curation with Curation Suite
A new feature we will be rolling out here at Curation Suite™ is what we call live curating. In these videos we’ll be recording our curation efforts on various sites and showcasing using our tool. We’ll strive to mix it up a bit and not cover the same elements. In addition, we’ll include some general curation… Read more »