Live Curating a Long Form Curation with Curation Suite

A new feature we will be rolling out here at Curation Suite™ is what we call live curating. In these videos we’ll be recording our curation efforts on various sites and showcasing using our tool.

We’ll strive to mix it up a bit and not cover the same elements. In addition, we’ll include some general curation tips and advice.

Here’s the first live curating using Curation Suite™.

A long form curation is where you curate content citing multiple sources.

In this video we curate from a couple different stories, add a Twitter update, and curate a 3rd party video.

We also showcase how you use Curation Links and Link Buckets. In addition to using the Social Media Module bundled with Curation Suite™ to share the post.

You can also see the post by visiting: Metrics, Scaling, and Staying Sane with Content Marketing