Intro to Curation

Why Content Curation?

What it is and why it’s a must have strategy.

never have an empty blog again, content curationContent curation is the fastest and one of the most effective ways to create content.

If you have tried to blog or write at all you know it’s pretty hard and time consuming.

Content curation is the easiest way to blog or do content marketing especially if you’re just getting started or haven’t made it happen in the past.

If fact, by using Content Curation you will never have empty blog again.

That’s right.

With content curation you can literally fire up a blank WordPress site, delete the hello world post and within a few short minutes your blog will be filled with posts.

Imagine having a full blog instead of a blog that barely gets updated. Imagine being able to blog more in the first 72 hours than most people blog in months.

This only scratches the surface around the power of content curation.

curate a little bit of everythingSo What Exactly is Content Curation?

Content Curation is where you collect posts, articles, infographics, videos, really any type of content and share it in a way that your market will find helpful and interesting.

Like a museum or art curator, people who organize content from around the web are also called curators.

Good curation always gives credit to the original content creator and usually includes the curator’s thoughts and ideas so the material is tailored just for their readers.

For instance, imagine you’re making a playlist of your favorite music for a friend and adding a little note about why you like each song. This is curating and you’re essentially doing the same thing when you curate content from all over the internet.

Content curation is employed by some of the most successful thought leaders, marketers, and highly monetized sites on the web…

Sites like BuzzFeed,, Reddit, Huffington Post, Mashable,,,, we could go on and on but I’m sure you get the idea… these’ are some of the most popular sites on the web and they are using content curation each and every day as the backbone of their sites.

This is simply because it works! Curation is a low risk, high reward content marketing strategy that takes just minutes a day and readers love it.

In fact, chances are that you’re already curating content. You’re probably sharing links, articles, images, & videos on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, or Google+.

When you share an article on Facebook for example, the headline is pulled in, a piece of the story plus, image, and source link and shares it right on your news feed.

This is Curation in its simplest form.

Simply sharing things you think your friends or target market would find helpful, funny, or interesting.

But there’s one secret to curating the right way, the way all the top marketers and sites curate to capture traffic, build authority, and convert their offers.

This secret is to always “Own the Platform”.

own the platformWe refer to it as “Owning the platform” and it is the key to any curation and content marketing success.

Using social media is a good strategy to build authority and get your message out but if you are sharing on social media without “Owning the Platform” you are missing out on a huge opportunity.

Here’s why…

Right now, each time you share content on social media all your friends and relationships you have spent years building and nurturing are being sent away from what you have to offer.

If they click the link they will be sent to a platform that you don’t own, you don’t control, that ultimately you get no benefit from….

If you don’t curate on a platform you own and control before sharing the content on social media, you are missing out on a huge opportunity to drive traffic to your site, gain trust with your market, and convert your offers…

The highest grossing sites and top marketers know that simply curating content on your own site before sharing on social media can have drastic effects in your business.

  • With Curation you’ll finally have a content market strategy that delivers traffic that converts right now and builds your email list.
  • You’ll have an easy way to spread your ideas, your message, your opinion.
  • Your market will be impressed by a full and interesting site with instant authority and your competitors will wonder how you’ve become a content machine overnight.
  • And your readers will love the way everything is tailored just for them, will share your content like crazy, and keep coming back for more.